AESCULAP AMBULANCEStodůlkyKombinovaná ambulance praktického lékaře, internisty a kardiologa. Komplexní diagnostika a léčba na jednom místě. |
We provide on oupatient basis diagnostic and therapeutic services in folowing areas:
We have two offices, one is located in Prague - Stodůlky, Velká Ohrada, and the other one in Dolní Břežany, region Prague-West.
Our offices are in the small outpatient centres, and you will find there also physicians of other specialisations. In Dolní Břežany, our office is located in the first floor. You will reach us be taking stairs or lift, and heading to the right part of the corridor. In Praha-Stodulky, our office is on the ground floor. The oupatient clinic in Praha-Stodulky, Janskeho street, has three separate entries. To reach us you have to take the door from the building corner facing the housing estate – completely opposite the entry to the pharmacy and post office.
Our offices are equiped with modern diagnostic machines - ECG, echocardiography (ultrasound monitor with cardiac and vessel scanners), ABPM (ambulatory blood pressure monitoring), ECG Holter (all day long recording of ECG) and spirometry. We can perfom immediate blood analysis (POCT,Point Of Care Testing) for C-reactive protein, Quick Test (INR), sugar level and HbA1c
We are able to draw your blood for detailed whole blood analysis in the clinic directly. The results are usually available on the following day.
We have standard contracts with all major insurance companies (VZP-111, VoZP-201, CPZP - 205, OZP-207, ZPMV-211 and Maxima-747).
We speak English, German and Russian.
You will get the written report in the Czech language, with option to have English summary for extra fee (300 Czk).
We are looking forward to your visit. We recommend you to have the appointment with doctor arranged in advance - over the phone or by email.
Hovoříme plynně česky a anglicky, domluvíme se i německy a rusky. Vypracování lékařské zprávy v angličtině je za příplatek.